So Im weaning myself off that dark black hole otherwise known as Facebook and maybe I'll even get around to posting here more often. Nice I don't have to try and impress anyone here.. So... its near the end of the month and we actually have had a small stretch of almost fall weather. Didn't last long and didn't kill off the plague of mosquitoes that are eating us alive. This morning was funny cos I was awake early for a bit and damn if I didn't happen to look out the side door to see a whole family of turkeys walking right by the steps... Im talking only a few feet from the door. Then I see Trouble creeping up behind them like he's gonna attack :+) Too bad for him Mama turkey was onto his tricks and wasn't letting him near her kids. Otherwise its spider city around here which I try to be tolerant of but over the weekend I found one the Charlottes spinning a web in the doorway to the den {{{{ shudder}}}}... I was nice tho and just transplanted her to the outdoor instead of squishing her.
On a different note I started my CNA classes this week so moving forward to get a career. In the meantime I may have to find a diff part time job to pay bills but nice to have some hope for the future job wise. In keeping with the nature theme of this blog i had to add that just as I was leaving class tonight I had a skunk run out in front of the car. Luckily I was able to avoid hitting it so Im hoping that it means the opposite of black cats luck wise. Then in thinking it over I decided just not killing an animal, albeit in that could stink up my car for weeks is pretty damn good luck for me :+)
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