Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Breaking my blogging cherry....

yeah sorry a lot of time Im just that vulgar ... despite having the most proper of English mothers, on most days my Jersey girl will shine thru.  You just can't fight a lifetime of realism and crassness that comes from living in the Garden State...  Can I just say that you'll pretty much at least know where you stand with me...  Soooo despite the intriguing title Im gonna say that a good lot of my posts here are gonna probably be beyond boring.. the highlight of most of my days is getting to spend an hour on the back deck watching the sunset and sipping a bit of wine. On a good day I get out early enough to catch my hummingbirds before they go home for the night... on a bad night like tonight when I get out a bit too late for that but at least I get some great sky colors. I can usually tell its time to come in when my bat comes out... always makes me sad to see him/her flying alone since we use to have a whole colony and I loved watching their aerial acrobatics each nite. Note to self- look into getting a bat house set up. Tonight I lucked out in that I didn't even get one bug bite so even tho I missed the hummers it wasn't all bad. Lots of angry clouds when I first went out but no rain and actually a bit of entertainment watching them all move out, shifting and regrouping... Maybe I'll make it an early night so I can get up a bit early and get some deck time in the AM... fingers crosed <3